
Creative Corners

In the exciting world of childhood, every corner is an opportunity to grow, learn, and explore. Our Creative Corners collection is designed to transform children's rooms into spaces where imagination and learning meet. Inspired by the idea that children should have an environment that encourages play and fosters their creativity.

The room, carefully decorated, is a haven of colours and fun, with each piece of furniture selected to provide both functionality and inspiration. Wooden toys have an invaluable role in child development, offering a unique combination of durability, safety, and sensory stimulation.

Toys for kids
Wooden games

In our collection, the Apirelo Kids wooden multi-activity rocket is a perfect example of how these toys can inspire children to explore and learn. This toy is not only visually appealing with its colourful design and charming details but also encourages imagination and creative play.

Children's lighting plays a crucial role in this collection, creating a warm and safe atmosphere. The Bruner table lamp not only lights up the room but also contributes to the décor, making every corner cosy and magical.

The Markalany table and chair set, with its combination of wood and iron, is the perfect spot for little ones to explore their creativity. Ideal for drawing, doing homework, or playing, this set is both functional and aesthetically pleasing, inviting children to learn and grow in an environment designed for them.

Nuestro Mapamundi 3D para Colorear Gunter es una herramienta educativa y divertida que permite a los niños explorar el mundo mientras desarrollan su creatividad. Con cada pincelada, los pequeños viajeros pueden aprender sobre diferentes países y continentes, fomentando su curiosidad y amor por la geografía.

Notre Mapmonde 3D à colorier Gunter est un outil éducatif et ludique qui permet aux enfants d'explorer le monde tout en développant leur créativité. À chaque coup de pinceau, les petits voyageurs peuvent apprendre sur différents pays et continents, éveillant leur curiosité et leur amour pour la géographie.

Il nostro Planisfero 3D da Colorare Gunter è uno strumento educativo e divertente che permette ai bambini di esplorare il mondo mentre sviluppano la loro creatività. Con ogni pennellata, i piccoli viaggiatori possono imparare sui diversi paesi e continenti, stimolando la loro curiosità e amore per la geografia.

O nosso Mapa Mundi 3D para Colorir Gunter é uma ferramenta educativa e divertida que permite às crianças explorar o mundo enquanto desenvolvem a sua criatividade. Com cada pincelada, os pequenos viajantes podem aprender sobre diferentes países e continentes, fomentando a sua curiosidade e amor pela geografia.

Unser 3D-Globus zum Ausmalen Gunter ist ein lehrreiches und unterhaltsames Werkzeug, das es den Kindern ermöglicht, die Welt zu erkunden, während sie ihre Kreativität entwickeln. Mit jedem Pinselstrich können die kleinen Entdecker mehr über verschiedene Länder und Kontinente lernen, wodurch ihre Neugier und Liebe zur Geographie geweckt wird.

Our Gunter 3D Colouring World Map is an educational and fun tool that allows children to explore the world while developing their creativity. With each brushstroke, little travellers can learn about different countries and continents, fostering their curiosity and love for geography.

Our Gunter 3D Colouring World Map is an educational and fun tool that allows children to explore the world while developing their creativity. With each brushstroke, little travellers can learn about different countries and continents, fostering their curiosity and love for geography.

Onze Gunter 3D-kleurwereldkaart is een educatief en leuk hulpmiddel waarmee kinderen de wereld kunnen verkennen terwijl ze hun creativiteit ontwikkelen. Met elke penseelstreek kunnen kleine reizigers meer leren over verschillende landen en continenten, waardoor hun nieuwsgierigheid en liefde voor geografie wordt aangewakkerd.

Nasza mapa świata 3D do kolorowania Gunter to edukacyjne i zabawne narzędzie, które pozwala dzieciom odkrywać świat, rozwijając jednocześnie ich kreatywność. Każdy pociągnięcie pędzla pozwala małym podróżnikom poznać różne kraje i kontynenty, wzbudzając ich ciekawość i miłość do geografii.

El sofá modular Dhel, perfecto para crear un rincón acogedor donde los niños puedan leer, jugar y soñar. Combinado con nuestra estantería Korvil, con un amplio espacio de almacenamiento para juguetes, libros y más.Cada elemento se integra armoniosamente, transformando el espacio en un refugio cómodo y organizado. Ideal para fomentar la autonomía y el disfrute de los más pequeños.

Le canapé modulable Dhel, parfait pour créer un coin douillet où les enfants peuvent lire, jouer et rêver. Combiné avec notre étagère Korvil, offrant un vaste espace de rangement pour les jouets, les livres et plus encore. Chaque élément s'intègre harmonieusement, transformant l'espace en un refuge confortable et organisé. Idéal pour encourager l'autonomie et le plaisir des plus petits.

Il divano modulare Dhel, perfetto per creare un angolo accogliente dove i bambini possono leggere, giocare e sognare. Combinato con la nostra libreria Korvil, che offre un ampio spazio di archiviazione per giocattoli, libri e altro. Ogni elemento si integra armoniosamente, trasformando lo spazio in un rifugio confortevole e organizzato. Ideale per incoraggiare l'autonomia e il piacere dei più piccoli.

O sofá modular Dhel, perfeito para criar um cantinho acolhedor onde as crianças podem ler, brincar e sonhar. Combinado com a nossa estante Korvil, com um amplo espaço de arrumação para brinquedos, livros e muito mais. Cada elemento integra-se harmoniosamente, transformando o espaço num refúgio confortável e organizado. Ideal para incentivar a autonomia e o prazer dos mais pequenos.

Das modulare Sofa Dhel ist perfekt, um eine gemütliche Ecke zu schaffen, in der die Kinder lesen, spielen und träumen können. Kombiniert mit unserem Regal Korvil, das viel Stauraum für Spielzeug, Bücher und mehr bietet. Jedes Element fügt sich harmonisch ein und verwandelt den Raum in einen komfortablen und organisierten Rückzugsort. Ideal, um die Autonomie und das Vergnügen der Kleinsten zu fördern.

The Dhel modular sofa is perfect for creating a cosy nook where children can read, play, and dream. Combined with our Korvil shelf, offering ample storage space for toys, books, and more, every element integrates harmoniously, transforming the space into a comfortable and organised retreat. Ideal for encouraging the autonomy and enjoyment of the little ones.

The Dhel modular sofa is perfect for creating a cosy nook where children can read, play, and dream. Combined with our Korvil shelf, offering ample storage space for toys, books, and more, every element integrates harmoniously, transforming the space into a comfortable and organised retreat. Ideal for encouraging the autonomy and enjoyment of the little ones.

De Dhel modulaire bank is perfect om een gezellige hoek te creëren waar kinderen kunnen lezen, spelen en dromen. Gecombineerd met onze Korvil-plank, die voldoende opbergruimte biedt voor speelgoed, boeken en meer, integreert elk element harmonieus en transformeert de ruimte in een comfortabele en georganiseerde toevluchtsoord. Ideaal om de zelfstandigheid en het plezier van de kleintjes te bevorderen.

Modułowa sofa Dhel jest idealna do stworzenia przytulnego kącika, w którym dzieci mogą czytać, bawić się i marzyć. Połączona z naszą półką Korvil, oferującą dużo miejsca do przechowywania zabawek, książek i innych rzeczy, każdy element harmonijnie się komponuje, przekształcając przestrzeń w wygodne i zorganizowane schronienie. Idealne do wspierania autonomii i przyjemności najmłodszych.

Encourage children's imagination and practical skills with our wooden toys, such as the Ariaga wooden eco-friendly garden and the Ashley wooden cleaning trolley. Made from durable and high-quality materials, they invite little ones to learn through play, cultivating their creativity and love for the natural environment.

In Creative Corners: Kids Collection, every detail has been carefully considered to create an environment that is not only functional but also inspiring. From furniture that grows with the children to toys that stimulate creativity, this collection is perfect for those looking for a space where their children can learn and play. With our furniture pieces, the return to school becomes an opportunity to create lasting memories in an environment that celebrates imagination and learning.

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